Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ovulation conceive calculator - top ten design tips

Ovulation conceive calculator - top ten design tips
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To design, you must be in the ovulation phase. Ovulation is the process by which a mature egg is released from your ovary and down the fallopian tubes. If the egg meets sperm, conception takes place, or it's just rinsed. While the egg can live only 12-24 hours, sperm can live for even 72 hours or more within the female body.

There are many dos and don'ts that will help you conceive. I have listed below the top ten design tips:

1) Understand your body:

When planning your pregnancy, you should have a clear idea of ​​how your body works. How many days of your last menstrual cycle? What is the frequency? Do you have regular periods?

2) Have a count of your ovulation dates:

Know your ovulation dates by calculations or sites like and a list where you can see every day so you do not lose the same account.

3) Check your basal body temperature:

Check your basal body temperature and know when is the right time to have sexual intercourse to conceive.

4) Check your cervical mucus:

When you notice a whitish vaginal discharge, it indicates ovulation and it is the best time for sex and design.

5) Follow the correct sexual position:

Normal missionary position works ie man-on-top with gravity flow and helps sperm as deeply as possible.

6) Have a healthy and balanced diet:

A healthy and balanced diet with an adequate intake of iron, folic acid and calcium can help you get pregnant.

7) Exercise regularly:

Regular exercise helps to ensure that you are not overweight and obesity, it is difficult to get pregnant.

8) Avoid smoking:

Smoking should be avoided by both the father and mother. Smoking reduces sperm count and sperm quality and reduces the chance of pregnancy.

9) Avoid lubricants:

Lubricants such as KY Jelly and others have some spermicides and should be avoided when you have sex to conceive.

10) Do not make sex a chore:

Do not make sex a chore just because you want to become pregnant. Have fun, enjoy yourself, introduce variety, is sizzling underwear, play toys and not to ensure that every sex session is a lot of fun. This has a lot more potential in getting you pregnant than anything else.


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• Sexual positions
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