Sunday, September 15, 2013

Response when does ovulation occur is

 when does ovulation occur

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Many women ask "when does ovulation occur?" If you plan to become pregnant, you should know when you are ovulating. In a fertile cycle, an egg is released from your ovary each month. The egg travels through your fallopian tube waiting to be fertilized by sperm. This is when ovulation occurs. Once the egg is fertilized with sperm, it goes into the uterus for implantation. You will then become pregnant.

There are several ways to determine if ovulation occurs. You can look at the calendar and watch your natural body signals fertility.

Signs of ovulation

Some signs of ovulation abdominal pain, spotting, headaches, bloating or breast pain during ovulation.

Ovulation Calendar

Most women have an average of 28 days of the menstrual cycle and ovulation 14 days before the next menstrual cycle begins. In this case, ovulation occurs around 14 days. If you have a 23-day cycle, you ovulate on day 9. If you have a 34-day cycle, ovulation on day 20. Some factors such as your diet, stress, drugs or other problems can cause a hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycles. Therefore, trying to figure out when you are ovulating using the calendars are not accurate.

Cervical mucus

Just before ovulation, the cervical mucus increases and becomes clear, thin and stretchy. This makes it easier for sperm to pass through the uterus. The consistency of the mucus remains the same for a few days until ovulation.

After ovulation, the mucus becomes thick and cloudy or may disappear completely.

Basal body temperature (BBT)

Measure your body temperature every morning before you get out of bed. Record the temperature in a bbt chart. You can create your own graph paper using. Join the dots so that you can see the graph. You will notice that at any given time, there is a drop in temperature, followed by a rise in temperature for a few days. The drop in temperature indicates that you are going to ovulate. The temperature increase is the result of an increase in your level of hormones progesterone after ovulation.

Feeling Your cervix

There are changes in your cervix at different times of the month. You can put your finger in your vagina to feel your cervix. Around ovulation, the cervix becomes softer and slightly open. It also moves to a lower position.

Ovulation prediction kits or ovulation monitors

You can also use ovulation predictor kits or ovulation monitors to help you determine when ovulation occurs.

They are more expensive but it is more accurate and less time. You can get them in the pharmacy.

What happens during ovulation?

If you are trying to conceive, have sex at the right time is very important. When you ovulate, your egg to be fertilized by the sperm of a man in 24 hours. Sperm can live up to 4 days. As such, you should have sex a few days before ovulation and the day of ovulation if you want to get pregnant. It is better to have sex every day and every day just before ovulation until a few days after ovulation.

How a woman becomes pregnant?

Having sex when ovulation occurs does not mean that you will definitely get pregnant. There must be no abnormality in the egg and sperm. Your body should be able to produce a good balance of estrogen and progesterone. The fallopian tubes must not be blocked. The uterine lining must be healthy and receptive to embryo implantation.


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