Friday, September 27, 2013

When are you fertile?

When are you fertile?
When are you fertile,when are you most fertile,when are you least fertile,how to know when you are fertile,when are you the most fertile,are you more fertile after a miscarriage

You and your partner have decided that you want to have a baby. You know that sex around the time you ovulate is the best way for you to get pregnant, but how do you know when are you fertile? If you have a regular cycle, you should be able to determine approximately when you ovulate quite easily by simply using a calendar and count the number of days in your cycle. If this is not the most reliable way to determine when ovulation will occur, it is one of the easiest to determine when are you fertile means.

What you want to do is first determine the length of your cycle. Mark on the calendar the day your period begins. This day is the first day of your menstrual cycle. Then count the days in your cycle until your next menstrual cycle begins. Do not count the day your period starts, because it is actually the first day of the next cycle. This will tell you how long your menstrual cycle is. Once you know how long your cycles are that you can determine your most fertile days.

Like most women have a period of 12 to 14 days luteal (the time of ovulation to when your next period starts), you can calculate your most fertile days just knowing when your next period is due. Counting back 14 days from your last menstrual period will give you a good idea of ​​whenyou ovulate. If you usually have a 28 day cycle, ovulation will take place somewhere around 15 days of the cycle.

To improve your chances of conception, you must determine your fertile window. Your fertile window starts 5 days before ovulation and ends the day after ovulation. Using your calendar, you can count down from 19 days (14 days 5) to determine the beginning of your fertile window and countdown 13 days to determine the last day of your fertile window.

Your egg only lives for about 12 to 24 hours after it is released, but sperm can live up to 5 days in fertile inside your vagina cervical fluid. Have sex on the days leading up to ovulation, when you have fertile cervical mucus and continuing to have sex until the day after ovulation occurs will greatly improve your chances of conception.

Since the calendar method to predict ovulation is not completely reliable, maybe look for other signs of ovulation to help you know when are you fertile you want. Some signs that you are ovulating ovulation pain can feel like cramping or pinching pain on one side, an increase in cervical mucus, bloating, increased sex drive, breast tenderness, mild nausea, and some women experience light spotting around ovulation.


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Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?

While many parents would be ecstatic with either outcome, some couples are secretly hoping for one or the other. What if you could decide and control whether your child was a boy or girl?

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Some of my learnings include the following factors which can affect the sex of your child:

• Diet
• Lifestyle and stress level
• Sexual positions
• Working with your ovulation cycle to determine the ideal points to attempt conception
• Abstinence or frequency of sexual intercourse

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