Monday, September 16, 2013

How to watch for signs of ovulation can help you get pregnant

Signs of ovulation

signs of ovulation,sign of ovulation,ovulation symptoms,early signs of pregnancy,ovulation signs,signs you are ovulating,symptoms of ovulation,ovulation painHave you tried to get pregnant? If yes, then, to know the signs of ovulation can help. These signs will help you to predict ovulation and days when you are fertile, thus improving the chances of conception.

What is ovulation

Ovulation is the phase of the menstrual cycle of a woman, in which an egg is released from the ovary. The egg then travels to the fallopian tube where it will remain there for hours waiting for a sperm to fertilize it. Of the one million sperm will fertilize the egg. If fertilization occurs the egg undergoes further changes to become a zygote. Therefore, the reason why it is important to predict when ovulation is because it will help you when you try to get pregnant. With it, you will also be able to predict the days you'll probably get pregnant.

Identify the fertile days of the woman

Identify the phase of ovulation based on your menstrual cycle can be quite easy. You only need to always observe changes in your body. This will help you recognize the signs of ovulation through which you recognize this phase. Signs to watch for are the basal body temperature, cervical position and mucus.

These signs of ovulation are checked regularly by oneself self-examination. For example, measure your basal body temperature daily, and soon you will see on your table is a drop in temperature followed by an increase of nearly half a degree Fahrenheit. This indicates that the dayof ovulation.

You also need to see tangible changes in your cervix as its position and mucus. When ovulation is near, you will notice that the cervix is ​​soft to the touch and has become less accessible. There will also be soft and moist. The mucus is slippery, clear and relatively abundant.

The element of times

You need to know the signs of ovulation, because when you try to get pregnant the time element is critical. Intercourse during the infertile phase is unnecessary since this phase will only lead to constant failure. Conversely, sexual intercourse during the fertile phase increases the chances of getting pregnant.

In males, sperm are produced throughout the life of a man. Long as he lives, he will continue to produce sperm Therefore, we can assume that the sperm are still available. In females, the number of egg cell is already determined. Eggs in the ovary to wait before puberty the ovary begins to release each month. Once the egg is released, it has only one (even less than: a) days to live. Thus, a woman should know the days when her ovulation approaches, so that they can plan ahead and time her fertile phase for sex to get pregnant.


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Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?

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