Saturday, September 14, 2013

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage - What are the concerns?

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

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For many women, getting pregnant after miscarriage causes a lot of anxiety because they are very concerned about the development of the new pregnancy. Some couples may even delay trying to conceive after miscarriage until they are confident that they can stop a miscarriage from happening again.

Unfortunately, the reasons for which most miscarriages are not known. However, an alternative fertility treatment in the form of traditional Chinese medicine has produced amazing results that helped stop miscarriage in women, especially when the cause of miscarriage is unknown.

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on a solid foundation of prenatal care. This treatment is much more comprehensive than a balanced diet and exercise regime.

One study found that women who have had multiple miscarriages have a 25% probability of not being able to conceive successfully in their lives. The 75% who go to successfully design was deliberately pre natal care when trying to conceive a child after a miscarriage and thus was able to stop a miscarriage from happening again.

Physical and psychological factors determine the optimal time to try to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

Physical factors play a vital role. Some women bleed heavily during a miscarriage and this could complicate trying to conceive. Some women require dilation and curettage (D & C). Although D & C procedure is not known to increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women and the future does not make the lower cervical. However, the scraping action of D & C is water down the wall of the uterus, making it unable to support a good location. In such cases, women are generally advised to allow their uterus 3 months to repair.

Phase of pregnancy loss affects the amount of pregnancy hormones that are in the body and therefore the length of time it takes for the hormones to be eliminated from the body. On average, it takes a month to six weeks for the hormones in our body to normalize. Trying to conceive after a miscarriage before our hormones return to normal will result in the result pregnancy test kit that confusion may reflect the presence of pregnancy hormones that result in pregnancy loss as oppose a new pregnancy.

The human body is extremely sensitive. If it detects pregnancy hormones, the body will work to nourish the embryo. If not, the body will stimulate menstruation in women. By allowing our hormones to normalize before trying to conceive after miscarriage prevents the body from sending erroneous messages and give the body an adequate opportunity to recover for a future pregnancy.

It takes about a month after a miscarriage

It takes about a month after a miscarriage before a woman's cycle will return and two more months before the cycle to stabilize. However, there are women who go through indefinite irregular cycle after the miscarriage and others who many not cycle, even several months after the miscarriage. It is therefore to get pregnant after a miscarriage extremely difficult and it is common for women in this situation to seek fertility treatment alternative as standard clinical treatment has no solution to this problem. Traditional Chinese medicine is a very acceptable alternative remedy with well-established results for stimulating a woman's cycle.

The psychological aspect to getting pregnant after miscarriage is an avenue of couples need to deal with personally. Although doctors are trained to recognize this need, it is beyond their medical expertise to provide any useful advice. An open debate between couples is considered the most effective method to relieve pain and anxiety of pregnancy ahead.


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